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Native American Center & NAEL Scholarships

The Native American Educators as Leaders Scholarship opens doors for Native American educators to pursue advanced degrees. FLC Foundation board member Faith Ruoessell and husband Matthew Slater have generously offered to match each gift dollar for dollar up to $4,000.

Native American Center & NAEL Scholarships


The Native American Educators as Leaders Scholarship opens doors for Native American educators to pursue advanced degrees. 

Native American Educators as Leaders Scholarships

The NAEL Scholarship supports Native American students seeking to become teachers, administrators and leaders in the field of education with a special emphasis on:

  • Increasing the number of teachers and administrators in schools with a sizable American Indian student population
  • Elevating the status of teaching through emphasis on quality, best practices, innovation, and professionalism
  • Creating educators as leaders through a rigorous multiculturally-informed leadership program.

The scholarship will provide funds for Native American teachers or teacher candidates pursuing a master's degree in the following programs at Fort Lewis College: Teacher Licensure, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse, Special Education, or Teacher Leadership.